Clubs & Societies

Student Council

The AISV has an active Lower and Upper School Student Council. Working with the faculty, the Council is responsible for planning activities that will improve student life and support charities in the Vilnius area. Furthermore, the Council gives students an opportunity to strengthen their leadership skills.

AISV follows a bicameral legislative model for its Student Council. The senior body similar to the Senate or House of Lords, is made up of officers and representatives from grades six through ten. The lower body similar to the House of Representatives or the House of Commons, is made up of officers and representatives from grades 1 through 5. The two groups meet jointly to plan all school events.

The Upper and Lower Schools meet independently to plan events for their respective parts of the school. Some of the events organized by the Student Councils include  Bake Sales, Fall Door Decorating Contest, Movie Nights, Food Drive for Orphanages, Junger Games, Dance Evening, etc.


The National Honor Society (NHS) and The National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) are two organizations founded over 100 years ago by the National Association of Secondary School Principals in the United States. NHS and NJHS have chapters at American schools all over the globe. Five pillars are at the center of NHS and NJHS: scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship. At AISV, potential NHS and NJHS members are asked to apply based on their academic achievement. Applicants become inductees after a faculty committee reviews their applications, which demonstrates the work in each of the five pillars. During their time in NHS and NJHS, the members are expected to be stellar academics, humble servants, and empowered leaders.


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