A Get-together for new AISV students hosted by the AISV Ambassadors

A Get-together for new AISV students hosted by the AISV Ambassadors


Last Saturday over 60 new students, AISV student ambassadors and families gathered at AISV for an afternoon of fun and activities. The ambassadors met the new students at the gate and escorted them into the waiting area near the reception desk.Mrs. Ricketts welcomed everyone and said that we are all dedicated to helping and assisting any new student to our school in any way he/she will need.
Ms. Wellbery started with an ice breaker where the new students had to walk around the room and find a person who matched one of the questions from their activity sheet. The remaining of the afternoon was spent playing games, doing team building activities and just getting to know other new students as well as the ambassadors.
Upon leaving all were asked to fill out a comment paper and everyone voiced their appreciation and hoped to have more activities such as this. As additional events are planned all will be notified.
Ms. Wellbery and Ms. Jolita wish to thank everyone who made this day so successful!!