Mokesčio už mokslą lengvatos 6-12 kl.

The tuition reductions are intended to provide outstanding English-speaking students with a proven record of scholarship and citizenship who can prove a financial need and the opportunity to attend and enrich AISV. The Board of AISV firmly believes that providing an opportunity to bring in more student scholars with outstanding oral and written English language skills will significantly enrich our program and provide our students with more stimulating opportunities for dialogue and intellectual interaction while also improving their English language skills.

In order to be considered for the tuition fee reduction, it is necessary to submit the confidential financial form (see below) and all documents as listed in this form to the AISV Director no later than the 15th of March 2024. 

The Committee may request further information regarding financial status and personal income on a case-by-case basis.

  • Academic information (for students who are not yet enrolled in AISV)
  • Official transcript or academic records showing completion of two previous school years.
  • A letter of reference from a former homeroom teacher or principal and contact information are required for reference.
  • Copies of all standardized test results;
  • Letter of reference by a former homeroom teacher or principal and contact information for references;
  • Copies of any academic honors;
  • List of all the child's extracurricular activities;
  • Any other documentation which indicates the student's academic ability.

NOTE: All financial documents are confidential and will only be reviewed by Tuition Reduction Advisory Committee members.

APPLICATION FEE: The Application  Fee of € 400 is payable upon receipt of a new student’s application form and the request for tuition reduction.  Payment of the Application Fee does not guarantee that a child will be admitted, as it is not refundable.

DEADLINE: The completed application packet with ALL documents for tuition reduction for the upcoming school year must be received by the school office by the 1st Monday in April of the preceding year. The school Director will determine whether or not to bring a late application to the Committee for consideration.


  • The awardees must indicate acceptance within one week after notification of the tuition reduction grant.
  • The parents or guardians of the awardees shall provide for all student needs outside those stipulated in the tuition reduction grant.
  • The awardees shall observe all rules and regulations of AISV and meet the standards as indicated in the Tuition Reduction Agreement, which has to be signed along with the Enrollment Agreement.
  • To maintain their awards, the awardees shall maintain a level of scholastic achievement consistent with tuition reduction acceptance standards set by the Tuition Reduction Advisory Committee.
  • A yearly evaluation will be made by the Tuition Reduction Advisory Committee on each awardee to determine if he or she is still qualified to continue in the tuition reduction program for the following year.
  • The awardees can apply to grades 6-12 of the year for which the tuition reduction is granted.
  • The tuition reductions may include tuition fees, application fees, or any part thereof.
  • The tuition reductions may continue beyond the first year provided the awardees maintain the appropriate scholastic level and abide by the school rules and regulations set by the Tuition Reduction Advisory Committee (TRAC). This includes maintaining a strong level of achievement, regular attendance, and exemplary behavior. As a strong learning community, we expect families to fully engage with the school, supporting its educational philosophy and community activities. As for all of our students, we expect high motivation and commitment.
  • Tuition reduction funds are determined by the School Board and may vary from year to year depending upon the school's yearly budget.
  • The awards are open to students of all nationalities who have completed the equivalent of grade 5 in the American system. 
  • Applicants must have demonstrated high academic achievement and outstanding citizenship marks in previous schools. Transcripts, letters of reference, and current phone and/or email information of references may be requested.
  • Applicants must demonstrate financial need. Official documents will be requested as detailed in the AISV Confidential Financial Assistance Form.
  • Applicants must meet all regular AISV entrance requirements.
  • Applicants must have an excellent command of oral and written English and require no ELL support.
  • Applicants must possess high personal standards and be in good health.


  1. A letter of request addressed to the Tuition Reduction Committee of AISV, indicating the reason for applying for tuition reduction, along with an estimated amount the family feels they could reasonably afford to pay.
  2. Completed AISV Confidential Financial Assistance Form along with all documentation as detailed in this form.


  • copies of the income tax return for the past two years;
  • copies of mortgage or rental agreement;
  • any other pertinent financial documents as necessary.
  • WIDA and MAPS testing for appraisal of English and Math skills 
  • An essay on a given topic
  • An appraisal of student interests and attitude.
  • The Tuition Reduction Advisory Committee shall comprise the Director, Assistant Director, Business Manager, and 2 teacher representatives. The Director and Admissions Officer will receive inquiries for tuition reductions and be responsible for distributing and receiving application documents.
  • The Director will determine whether or not the application warrants the attention and consideration of the Tuition Reduction Advisory Committee.
  • Potential awardees and their parents must attend an interview before the Committee.
  • The Committee will meet in April each year to review all tuition reduction applications yearly for the following year and present it to the Board for approval.
  • New students will be considered for tuition reduction as applications are received.
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