AISV Challenge 2014

AISV Challenge 2014


By Lukas Z., grade 11 student


Education is the greatest tool in the human toolbox, our only method of ensuring a brighter future for our own, and coming, generations. And yet, millions of children every day are being deprived of what is a basic human right, just as vital as any other. We here at AISV have decided to do help out, even if just a bit.

 On Friday the 17th of October, the AISV high school, instead of going to their afternoon lessons, collectively went to a circuit outside the city, to participate in our own school’s version of the Vilnius Challenge, the accurately dubbed AISV Challenge of 2014.

 The Vilnius Challenge is a local charity event, organised by Save the Children with the purpose of aiding two diverse groups in need of assistance: children in Zambia, one of the poorest countries in the world, in desperate need of international backing to provide for their basic needs, and the other group being daycare centers in Lithuania, an initiative meant to help offer psychological and social support to the 22 thousand children who need it.

Organised by a joint committee of students and teachers, the challenge was set up to be completed in groups, with each group collecting a certain amount of means of assistance per lap, which went directly from their sponsors, teachers and parents alike, to the charity. An element of competitiveness was present between the groups, who did not shy away from the task despite any initial misgivings. The Challenge was a joint effort, and achieved its full potential only with the collaboration of all the student participants, mindful of the implications of their actions, and willing to contribute.

 After a few hours spent trudging through the track and battling the pervasive elements, the students returned to school, and left to enjoy their carefree weekends, content knowing that despite having missed a lessons or two (a rare, yet pleasant occurrence), we, in our school community, gathered in this quiet corner of Vilnius, can pool our efforts together, to make sure that more children are given the education they are entitled to.

 Honorable mentions go to the groups who chipped in with greatest gusto: Anna, Karl and Kristas from Grade 9; Aleksandras, Arnas and Robertas from Grade 10; and Marija, Hannah and Laila from Grade 12.

 With the AISV Challenge being the great success that it was, we can hope to carry on this tradition well into the future, both to help the children in need of assistance, and to further our own understanding of the issues that face our society.